GakuNin Cloud Gateway Service - Cope with the Gap between IAM Federation and Cloud Service Sign-On

Official Site: GakuNin Cloud Gateway Service, (in Japanese)

GakuNin - Academic IAM Federation

GakuNin is an identity access management (IAM) federation that universities and institutes in Japan join to make good use of academic e-resources. The GakuNin Cloud Gateway Service (CGS) enables efficient and suitable management of information about SAML identity providers (IdPs) and services providers (SPs) and also enables end users to easily access e-resources or services with single sign-on (SSO).

GakuNin architecture
Fig.1. Architecture of GakuNin

Research Goal

The next step is to extend the SSO to cloud services that do not participate in the identity federation. Typical cloud services have the following characteristics that make them unpopular.

The Typical Gap

  1. Requires configuration for each individual service (complicated configuration).
  2. Requires unfamiliar attributes.
  3. Can only work with one IdP.
  4. Authorizes by groups in a mechanism that is not based on attributes.
  5. Has an unfamiliar user provisioning mechanism.
  6. Has a concept of “tenant”.

Case 1: Dropbox Applies: 1, 3, 4, 5, 6 Not applicable: 2

Case 2: Slack Applies: 1, 3, 4, 6 Not applicable: 2, 5

Case 3: AWS Console Applies: 1, 2, 6 Not applicable: 3, 4, 5

We extended our GakuNin CGS to fill this gap in case 3 as a proxy model:

AWS proxy
Fig.2. Proxy model for connecting AWS Console

Future issues

We are now aiming to create a more general-purpose proxy system based on the findings of these three cases.